JUST IN – White House DOJ Already Trying To Disrupt Voting

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Florida Secretary of State Cord Byrd’s Office says the U.S. Department of Justice has no right to go inside polling locations.

The DOJ wants to put federal observers inside polling stations in South Florida, but Byrd’s office claimed that would be against the law and would interfere with the election.

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“As a result, Florida’s State Department will send its own observers to those counties and ensure federal officials do not disrupt elections taking place today,” Florida Politics reports.

In reference to letters it had received from three counties, Byrd’s office issued the following statement:

“The Florida Department of State received copies of your letters to Miami-Dade and Broward Counties in which you seem to indicate that the Department of Justice will send monitors inside polling places in these counties,” reads a letter from Brad McVay, General Counsel to the Florida Department of State.

“We also understand you sent a similar letter to Palm Beach County.”

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